Mammal / Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Common Minke Whale
Publications that mention Common Minke Whale in relation to Kutch
Related papers
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- factors. Marine: Pollution Bul/etin, 51, 428-437.'tJicea-Pou, JA(: wor). Vocalizations and behavior of the Antillean and FloridaS Albert, JM O'Neil, JW Udy - Conservation Biology - researchonline.jcu.edu.au
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- of Coastal Islands of IndiaK Sivakumar - academia.edu
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- Handbook of Indian fisheriesBN Chopra - 1951 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
- Bibliography of the Indian Ocean 1968 (with a supplement for 1962-1967)VS Murty, DCV Easterson, AB Fernando - CMFRI Bulletin, 1968 - eprints.cmfri.org.in
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